Friday, October 8, 2010


           A girl's education is central to her physical,mental and emotional decency and healthy development. I believe that a girl needs as much education as a boy if not better,this is because at the end of the day she performs the same if not better and greater responsibilities to her family,society and the world at large through her ever busy routines.Hence, more attention should be given to her and more resources invested on her for a healthy,enlighten and morally sound society.Girls, by whatever means necessary go to school if nobody cares to help out.It is your only way for a secured victorious future,the means to liberate yourself from the cleaving clows of poverty and the only means to emancipate yourself from the fetal blows of illiteracy and ignorance.The 21st century we live in is one that expect you to have a strong hearth,ready hand and great mind to lunch you into a world of freedom and great prosperity.It is your life if you don"t nobody will;you are the architect and engineer of your one single life, be brave,be wise and don"t waste it.Watch out for unscrupulous elements who will come in the name of love to destroy what they don"t have a hand in building it;in order words, this is not time for love relationship,its time to enhance your life and self-dignity.Don't allow yourself to be stranded and naked in the street.Develop your potentials and don't follow passion ,instead follow your gift with passion.Your gift is the inborn potential that God deposited in you to make you live a healthy,successful and happy life.Your gift is that thing that you can do with the least posible effort.
              It is imperative at this point to note that education isn't about knowing everytthing, it is about learning and knowing what you need to know to get you to where you are going;so don't go in search for all but for a specific that is in line with your dreams and aspirations. Just as lack of education is dangerous, so also, half education is dangerous especially when it is not well acquired.It is not enough to decide to say, 'i am going to school', you must also get it real clear in your head that you are in for a particular target, then strive to be focuse and get the desired result. Most of the times we make a great mistake going to school because thats what everybody else is doing or because my friends are there not because we are pursuing a particular dream. At the end of the day we come out empty or not far better than before we went in or without anything tangible to show for it. You need to be conscious of this fact and get things straight before you go into it.God bless. 

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